Monday, May 13, 2013

S1:Pilot - The Cage

Synopsis: The Enterprise crew is summoned to an alien planet via distress signal. The aliens have huge brains (and heads), are telepathic, capture Captain Pike, and try to force him to mate with a sexy hostage via virtual reality illusions.

A gleeful look from Spock that we'll never experience again.

Mike's Thoughts: Okay start to a show. None of the crew is who we will see in the future episodes save for Mr. Spock, but he didn't even really do anything in the episode. I like the big-throbbing

Mike's Thoughts: Okay start to a show. None of the crew is who we will see in future episodes save for Mr. Spock, but he didn't even really do anything in the episode. I like the big-throbbing-headed aliens - always good to see in a show. And, of course, the cheezy 60's sci-fi effects. So different from now! Neat.

These guys know how to make bulging brain-veins look good.

Anna's Thoughts: Ridiculous. Captain Pike is almost exactly like Kirk - handsome, commanding, vulnerable to telepathy... Spock isn't really himself yet, I don't think. Much more, what is it...not in the show at all. Love how they call him Mr. Spock (I will not be calling him that). All in all, included everything a first episode of a sci-fi show should: big-brained, humanoid aliens, sexy women, and...a space ship? Whatever, it was great.

Favorite Character we'll never see again:

This guy:
Dr. Blue Eyes (real name unknown due to laziness)

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