Monday, May 13, 2013

S3:E23 Sarek

Synopsis: The Enterprise crew agrees to host a conference in which Ambassador Sarek, a stereotypical Vulcan, will do something...negotiating trade relations between someone and someplace? Bla bla bla, eventually everyone is at a Mozart recital (where Data is 1st Violin, and is asked to play in the style of some famous violinist no one's ever heard of probably). Also, they are clearly playing Brahms.

"I detect in-tune harmonies and appropriate stylings."

Sarek starts crying in response to Data's beautiful technique and musicianship and is escorted out by his human wife (2nd human wife...) Scandalous Vulcan behavior alert!

"Really, I'm okay - you know what small chamber music recitals do to me..."

Meanwhile, the rest of the Enterprise is experiencing hilarious bouts of rage and irrationality, including an all-out-bar-brawl in Ten Forward.

Guinan's Sassy Looks: #26

Blee bla, oh no! Ambassador Sarek has a weirdo disease that makes him cry like a baby and makes everyone around him glove slap each other! The only way to solve this problem is for Ambassador Sarek to MIND MELD with someone to ease his emotions long enough for that conference thing to happen, and for the enterprise to punch themselves to sleep. Of course, Picard offers to be the bearer of all Sarek's emotions, and they never saw him again. Just kidding! Everything was fine.

After many complaints about Vulcan hygiene, and with the Bird Flu going around, the Federation changed "Mind Melding" to "Hand Melding." 

Favorite Scene: A heated argument between La Forge and Wesley (can't remember about what, but I remember Wesley was being an idiot.)

Okay, this pic's not at all from this episode, but...WHERE DID THAT VEST COME FROM.

Other Great Stuff: Happy Belated Father's Day, Sarek!


Don't! You'll make him cry again!

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