Saturday, May 18, 2013

S4:E11 Data's Day

Synopsis: Get ready - DATA HEAVY EPISODE! As if not all of them this one starts off with Data narrating and describing how he is documenting his day-to-day life for some scientist who wants to see what androids do in their free time. Data proves himself to be VERY nerdy...he even has a cat! Named Spot. Classic Robot.


Anyway, the REAL plot of the story comes when we find out that Data's daughter, Keiko, is getting married to Cheif O'Brien. Ok ok, Data has a daughter? I don't know, but he is referred to as the father-of-the-bride a couple times. Don't worry - there's absolutely no explanation. Keiko has cold feet and wants to call off the wedding. Data, theorizing that this will make Keiko happy, encourages her to do so. And she does.

Trouble in paradise? Oh yeah, Keiko just called off the wedding. Nice one, Data.

After La Forge smacks some sense into Data and tells him the wedding will go on as planned, Data seeks the help of Dr. Crusher for some dancing lessons to prepare for the wedding. A HILARIOUS holo-deck sequence ensues, including Data completely showing up Crusher's years of training with his android amazingness, and well here: just watch it.

Ahh, tap dancing. The most appropriate dance for weddings.


Another subplot is introduced. What was it...oh yeah! So, the Romulans and the Federation want to have NEGOTIATIONS. Absolutely unheard of. So, to show good faith, the USS Enterprise brings aboard a Vulcan Ambassador to oversee the proceedings. Later she ends up dying. Oh wait, no she didn't! She was a Romulan! What a twist! [Even though she made obvious attempts to weasel into the ship's mainframe.] And everyone feels betrayed. Wahp wahp...

"Data, what are all the security codes on this ship?" "I do not understand." "Ah, right right - nevermind. Good. Good. Just testing you..."

So anyway, Keiko and Chief O'Brien end up getting married. Data concludes his log entry to that scientist guy by explaining that while there are several human emotions Data does not understand, he understands love and friendship. If you ask me, he is MORE HUMAN THAN US ALL.

Best part [besides tap-dancing Data]:


Seeing everyone in their formal uniforms. Look at Troi! [Keiko's wedding dress: OUTRAGEOUS. Is that a braid in the back? Ridiculous.] 

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